Upgrading your existing gas burners to industry standards
Following an audit or a specific request from a customer, Alsaflam can upgrade your thermal installations as well as your industrial gas burners in accordance with current regulations.
Since 1995, industrial furnaces designed and offered on the European market must meet the essential requirements of the Machinery Safety Directive. In order to better meet these regulatory requirements, the European Committee for Standardization, on the initiative of the European Oven Manufacturers’ Committee, has drawn up the EN 746 series of uniform standards.
Published by AFNOR (Association Française de NORmalisation) in 1997, the NF EN 746-2 standard applies to fuel supply and combustion.
The role of the EN 746-2 standard.
This standard was drawn up by the European Committee for Standardization on the initiative of the European Committee of Oven Manufacturers. It lays out precise specifications for industrial thermal equipment to meet the requirements of the Machinery Directive.
Part 2, published by AFNOR in June 1997, applies to combustion and fuel handling equipment used in industrial thermal installations.
Standards and guidelines followed by Alsaflam
Concerning the strict Alsaflam suppy chain:
The installations comply with European Standard EN 746, Parts 1 and 2.
Our installations comply with the provisions of the following EEC directives :
- EC Machine Directives (98/37/EEC)
- Gas Appliance Directive (90/396/EEC)
- Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC)
- EMC Directive (89/336/EEC)